Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wrong Neighborhood

I took a wrong turn. This gang of trees doesn't like strangers in their neighborhood. Tell my family I love them.

This photo is copyright 2014 by F. Everett Leigh and originally appeared on the Images By Everett Leigh page on Facebook. 

The Treeluminati

These trees are members of an ancient tribunal. They run... everything. I can't talk about it now. They're watching.

This photo is copyright 2014 by F. Everett Leigh and originally appeared on the Charleston Pics Facebook page.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Break It Down

Sometimes when a tree is very happy, it likes to get funky. The younger trees don't like it when old trees try to breakdance. The trees in the distance are soooo embarrassed.

This photo is copyright 2014 by F. Everett Leigh, and originally appeared on the Charleston Pics page on Facebook.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Shhh. Be Vewwy, Vewwy Quiet.

These men came to this barren, rocky shore to fish. They are so absorbed in baiting a hook that that they do not notice the large tree closing in on them from behind. It's teaching the smaller tree how to hunt.

This picture is copyright 2014 by F. Everett Leigh and first appeared on the Greenwood Pics page on Facebook.


Nowhere to Run

These trees are frightened. They have been chased onto this point and now they have nowhere to go. Advancing upon them are three four-legged creatures. They are made from trees. They bite.

This photo is copyright 2014 by F. Everett Leigh and originally appeared on the Greenwood Pics page on Facebook


The Lonely Tree

Here is a tree. A single tree. In search of love, the tree walked for days and days until it came to this quiet shore. On the far side, it can see thousands of other trees, laughing and playing. They are happy trees. But this tree cannot swim. It is a lonely, lonely tree.

This photo is copyright 2014 by F. Everett Leigh, and originally appeared on the Greenwood Pics page on Facebook.